4 ideas to make your job discovery video

Cliple shoots and edits your job discovery videos in one day, anywhere in France and worldwide at very competitive prices!

Job discovery | Orange

840 € price excluding tax

Etienne, director of Orange Cloud for Business France, explains his job and his journey through a natural and relaxed interview.

In this offer there are :


A super director


A coordinator that is taking care of everything


A rhythmic and dynamic editing


A copyright free music that is heart-warming


A lot of good humor and talented people

The caracteristics of this video :




Questions / Answers


Extract from backstage


Others examples for company Job discovery

1 140 € price excluding tax



Focus on expertise


Teams in action

780 € price excluding tax

Euler Hermes


Interview in pairs


Question game

660 € price excluding tax

3 Brasseurs


Question game


5 interviews

How it works ?

1 - Say everything to us, we are listening to you! Your Cliple’s coordinator analyzes your needs and gives you advice.

With more than 2000 videos under their belt, shooting and editing don’t have any secrets for them!

2 - We find for you the perfect video maker!

The project manager selects the best videomaker according to your needs and shooting place.

3 - Shooting in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere

The video maker, briefed preliminary by the project manager, films the shots necessary for the directing of your video with listening and professionalism.

4 - Editing by your side : it cuts, it extends, it slows down, connects

The realisation is editing by your side. He moves to your place, works autonomously and lets you validate at any time of the project.

5 - Then your video is ready to be diffused.

When editing is finished, your video is ready to be diffused in the evening, the same day on every type of support!

Un coordinateur à votre écoute

Votre coordinateur Cliple analyse votre besoin et vous conseille. Avec plus de 2 000 vidéos à leur actif, les tournages et les montages n’ont plus de secret pour eux !

Le meilleur réalisateur

Votre coordinateur sélectionne le meilleur réalisateur selon votre besoin et le lieu de tournage.

Le tournage

Votre réalisateur, briefé au préalable par votre coordinateur, tourne les plans nécessaires à la réalisation de votre vidéo avec écoute et professionnalisme.

Le montage à vos côtés

Votre réalisateur effectue le montage à vos côtés. Il s’installe dans vos bureaux et travaille en autonomie en vous laissant la possibilité de valider au fur et à mesure votre vidéo.

Votre vidéo est prête à être diffusée

Le montage est terminé. Votre vidéo est prête à être diffusée le soir-même dans tous les formats possibles !

Discover our others videos Employer brand

Need a quotation for your video production?

Clip is simple !

Whatever is your need in video, we create package videos accessible everywhere in France and worldwide. And all of that, at truly and accessible prices.

Why talk about your job on video?

With a job discovery video you will enable all employees to better understand the role of each person in the company. As employees are all working for a common goal, it is important to know the added value of each person in order to achieve coordinated and efficient work. The job discovery video will reach a wider audience and promote your company's image to your employees and potential candidates.

How to communicate with your business discovery video?

Now that your job discovery video is done, let's talk about the broadcasting method. The easiest way to do this, and one that is totally free, is through social networks. But be careful, it's not enough to just post your business discovery video. First of all, you need to know that there are a lot of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Indeed, Linkedin, Instagram, Viadeo and Youtube that are totally compatible with video. Before you post your business discovery video, it is important to keep in mind that each social network attracts a specific audience. When posting, avoid links that will lead to your business video, post it directly. Don't ignore the power of hashtags. Hashtags are available on many social networks such as facebook, instagram, twitter and Linkedin. #jobdiscovery

Why work with professionals?

People tend to think that making your own video is a financial profit! But beware of these preconceived ideas. If you don't already have the right equipment for filming (tripod, lapel microphone, editing software), you will have to invest. Also, it may depend on the issue of your tutorial and the strategy, but it is often more profitable to go through a professional video maker.

Using video to showcase a job

Whether it is addressed to your customers, your future employees or your collaborators, video is the best way to discover jobs! It is a vector of emotions and remains more permanently fixated in the viewer's mind.

Promote its recruitment

Since a few years, video has become part of the recruitment process between applicants and employers. Many companies ask for a video presentation instead of just a CV before meeting the candidate in a live interview. Indeed, the CV highlights specific experience and technical skills, but it does not help to compare the behavioural skills, or soft skills, of candidates. However, many studies show that these human qualities promote integration, cohesion in a group, productivity and personal fulfilment. These are all objectives that guarantee a company's durability. On the candidate's front, video is also a relevant solution to distinguish oneself since we know that a recruiter spends on average only a few seconds per CV.


However, the balance of power seems to be slowly reversing. In some sectors of activity where there is a lack of demand, it is now the companies that approach candidates with videos in an inbound recruiting strategy. In this context,the job discovery video becomes very useful.

Video attracts more attention in a recruitment process, whether it is a video CV or a job offer. The most preferred format by recruiters is job video. For a candidate, it represents a real opportunity to learn about the daily tasks related to a job and the work environment, and for a company, it is an opportunity to discover unknown jobs.The job video as a report on the day gives a realistic view of the working conditions. It is difficult just to look at a job description to see what a day's work will look like, and sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what the tasks will be. The video provides a better understanding by showing actual images, and gets even more credibility when it is complemented with testimonials from collaborators. Nobody is better placed than them to describe the general working atmosphere in a company.

A job presentation video is beneficial to promote your company's image to your employees and potential candidates. Firstly, it provides maximum visibility. Video generates over 80% of the world's internet traffic and gets on average 1200% more shares than static content on social networks. And beyond the quantitative aspect, it can also highlight the advantages of working in your company and make candidates interested in joining you. That is why when presenting a job in video, it is important to highlight not only the daily activities, but also the different teams, premises, common areas, etc., in order to show the working environment as a whole. Transparency of a company is appreciated by employees and candidates.

Job offers with a video have on average a higher application rate of over 30%. Whatever the offer, an open-ended contract, an internship, an internal career change, and whatever the field of activity, video gives wider and more diversified recruitment opportunities. It conveys emotions and is naturally more attractive than static content, especially to the new worker generation.

La vidéo constitue 80% du flux de données sur Internet, et la tendance n'est pas prête de s'inverser. YouTube est le site le plus visité au monde derrière Google, et certains experts estiment que le fil d'actualité de Facebook sera entièrement composé de vidéos dans quelques années, en raison du fort intérêt qu'elles suscitent. The new generation of workers has grown up with the rise of video on the Internet, so focusing on this format for recruitment is a real bet for the future. Video transforms the labour market.Today, to discover a company, to try out a job, to perfect one's training, we find relevant solutions thanks to the video. For instance, it allows an interested applicant to find out more about the day-to-day issues involved in a job. It solves the problems of distance and availability in training by offering the possibility of being autonomous and learning more quickly.


You will easily attract younger recruits through video.Yet they are the ones who will make the world of tomorrow. Millenials will be more than half of the world's workforce within a few years.

Place human beings at the heart of the company

Beyond the marketing and external communication aspect, the business discovery video is also useful internally for your own employees. Close-knit teams, global cohesion, fulfilled employees and common values strengthen the power of a company. This is precisely what internal communication is all about. Video is the best medium to convey a message, it is the most effective format in terms of information retention. It commits employees and creates a common dynamic.

Business discovery video allow all employees to find out more about each other's role within a company. Employees all have a common goal, it is essential to know what the added value of each person is in order to achieve coordinated and effective work. By choosing video to discover the jobs in your company, you will reach a wider audience, as this type of content is more attractive than a simple story. This is especially true when it contains one or several interviews with employees, it gives a nice and much more humane side to your company. For video professionals, revealing themselves in this way will increase their involvement and sense of belonging, as it shows the company's appreciation for them and their work.

Business video is also an opportunity to keep memory of a testimonial. It is often easier to refer to a video than to a classic job description.A video is usually stored for an unlimited period of time. This accessibility gives the video a timeless feel .